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Join us to make the world safer with AI!

Never doubt how much a small team of thoughtful committed technologists can change the world. Indeed, every disruptive innovation in history started this way!

Are you someone who pursues excellence, is collaborative, and takes great pride in your craft? If yes, you may be someone we are looking for to join our team.

Artificial Intelligence is the most powerful tool of our time. How we use it can affect the trajectory of humankind. We believe by putting AI to good use, we can accelerate humanity's quest for prosperity and happiness. In particular, we are using AI to solve some of the hardest and most valuable problems in cybersecurity.

If you are a technologist familiar with cybersecurity, computer architecture, software programming, artificial intelligence, or mathematics - we typically look for world-class excellence in at least one of these fields - we would love to hear from you. Expect thoughtful, motivated co-workers who work from first principles and bring the best out of each other.

Expect talented, intense, and collaborative colleagues and competitive compensation and meaningful equity.
Please send your CV to or apply directly through our Careers page.

Simbian is an equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.